Research and Innovation in Transportation and Mobility. Instituto de Movilidad is your tool to innovate and stay ahead of changes.

How can we help you?

You have probably arrived here because you have a series of innovative and very interesting ideas and projects that can help you or your company to gain market position, expand your knowledge and that of your team, even generate new services, but you do not have the time and resources to carry them out or you do not know where to start.


Or maybe you work for or manage a public administration and you have to respond urgently to the constant changes occurring in the sector, or to social demands through reports with academic and independent rigor, or you want to position yourself and be a pioneer in the sector by anticipating the new era in mobility.

If you find yourself in one of these situations, Instituto de Movilidad can help you develop your idea, or generate the information you need to give rigorous answers. The combination of more than 30 years in the sector, the knowledge of the latest trends and the freshness and management of new digital tools make us able to offer you a product tailored to your needs.

What does this Strategic Research service consist of?

The proper design and planning of transportation is essential for the development of cities, and to respond to the needs and requirements of all citizens.


If we add to this the combination with new technologies, we find ourselves with an increasingly complex and changing sector, which requires constant research and study.


That is why with the Strategic Studies of Instituto de Movilidad you will be able to:

Get insider information on new trends in the sector.

Position yourself in the market and be the first and most knowledgeable about a particular aspect of mobility and transportation.

Get answers to society’s questions based on rigor.

To have reports with a very well cared image, with graphics, canvas… and images that make the information more attractive.

To make independent expert reports for judicial processes or mediations related to mobility and transport.

Some of our research projects

Scooter Mobility Study

Study on the impact of mobility after COVID-19

Infographic of the Connection between river banks in river cities.

Instituto de Movilidad is a prestigious institution in the sector, being an endorsement of this strategic research.

How can we help you?

First of all, we need to know your idea or your project, and evaluate if we can really help you.


So the first thing we will do is an evaluation session in which you will explain in detail what you want to achieve in your project. In that session, we will clarify all your doubts, and we will discuss the scope of the research, the objectives and the time frame for completion.


With this first meeting, both parties will be clear about what we are going to achieve by working together and how we are going to do it.

The options are endless:

• Research on emerging trends in the industry, supported by:

    • Surveys by conventional methods
    • Online surveys supported by social networks
    • In-depth interviews with stakeholders
    • Delphi evaluations

Benchmarking or analysis of international and national experiences

Sectoral reports on mobility and transport

Mobility indicators monitoring report

Mobility City Rankings

SWOT fundaments analysis

Market surveys

Information processing and rigorous análisis

Technical quality audits, reviewing or focusing projects that you carry out in search of excellence and innovation.

Independent expert reports for judicial or mediation processes.

Why Instituto de Movilidad to develop your research project?

Because of <strong>the experience </strong>gained in the mobility and transport sector.

For the <strong>pluraliy of profiles </strong>of the technical team

Because of <strong>the prestige and independece</strong> of the Mobility Institute, which guarantees the rigor and quality of the research.

Because of our ability to carry out this work with <strong>a clear image and language. </strong>

Interested in working with the Mobility Institute?


If you like what you’ve read so far – and see it as an opportunity you’d like to make the most of – just fill out the form below.


We will contact you in the next few days to schedule a first session.

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