

To be a reference in the training and provision of professional services related to transportation and mobility, both to individuals and companies, in order to contribute to the awareness and social responsibility in the practice of this profession.


To become a benchmark training center in transportation and mobility, with a flexible, international training model based on the exchange of experiences and practical teaching, in which innovative solutions to today’s problems and challenges are promoted.


To focus on specialized training in the field of mobility, transport and cities.

Contribute to the improvement of cities with a sustainable and intelligent perspective.

Generate meetings and promote networking among members of the IM.

To train the sector and the general public through the organization of courses, conferences and specialized publications.

Raise awareness of the need and principles of sustainable mobility and development.

To innovate in the field of transport with revolutionary ideas.

To improve the exchange of knowledge between Spain and Latin America.

Concentrate and disseminate knowledge in the field of mobility and transportation.

To give added value through advice and research.


We are Julián, David y Cinta, colleagues in the profession but above all, good friends.


We love our work and creating the IM was born from a common interest: we want to contribute to create more sustainable and better connected cities, friendly, adapted to citizens, people, residents, visitors…


And for this to be possible, we believe that we have to work hard on two aspects: quality training and innovative research.


Although the three of us are the heart/soul of the IM, it would be nothing without a body that gives it life.


Personalized attention

Close treatment and at the student’s disposal. We stand out for our ability to respond immediately and always by ourselves.

100% practical methodology

Our learning method (reflection, analysis, action and evaluation) is prepared to promote creativity and innovation and to achieve the acquisition of knowledge applied to decision making.

Quality material

The material has been carefully prepared to provide students with as much information and documentation as they need.

Programs designed by professionals

The contents, case studies and program are designed by transport and mobility consultants and professionals, and are therefore focused on the reality of the market.

Company faculty

Experienced professionals, active in the subject they teach and used to participate in training activities.

Professional skills

We enhance skills beyond technical knowledge: team work, communication tools, time management, etc.

Job orientation

We show students the different employment niches, the positions they can perform and where they can best fit and teach them how to successfully access the labor market


IM’s hallmark is the idea of sharing experiences, knowledge and promoting a meeting place for professionals in the sector, from which great ideas and job opportunities arise.

Echo and dissemination

In addition to echoing all the news and innovation in mobility, we are also a strong dissemination channel.

Julián Sastre, the visionary eye.


I’m a Civil Engineer by profession, but a millennial by vocation.


With more than 30 years of experience in the world of consulting, I have worked on projects all over the world, which has allowed me to get to know an infinite number of projects, many ways of working and learning from all the professionals I have come across. And now, I want to share it with all of you.


I am an expert in planning, operation and economics of transport, with extensive and relevant activity in sustainable mobility plans, railway projects, economic and financial valuations and evaluation of transport policies.


Big movie buff, my favorite movie is Casablanca.


Engineer a bit crazy, tireless worker, enthusiastic, resolute and traveler. My passion is teaching, especially in multicultural environments, and I always wear my running shoes for a 10 km run wherever I am.

David Álvarez, the thinking head.


I’m a Civil Engineer, and the king of all the parties.


I specialized in Transport and after some years in large consulting firms, in 2008 I started working as an independent consultant, carrying out complete studies or participating as a collaborator with other companies or multidisciplinary teams in the field of traffic, transport and mobility, demand studies, public transport, parking, rail transport, field work, planning and transport economics.


A lover of good food, I enjoy eating in a Michelin star restaurant as much as in a Fast Food restaurant. Traveling is another of my passions, I believe it makes me a better person.


Engineer a bit out of the ordinary, I consider myself a good communicator and I feel comfortable in front of a camera and a microphone. Extroverted, footballer, and committed to my work. I have discovered that training is my thing.

Cinta Romero, the enforcement arm.


I’m a degree in Business Administration & Law, , and I am an advocate for small causes.


I came to the transportation sector by chance and decided to stay here. My background is in project management and international bid preparation. I have participated in urban transport and sustainable mobility projects, carrying out feasibility studies, economic-financial profitability analysis, cost-benefit analysis, financial models, etc.


A bit of a music lover and nature lover, I combine the hard world of consulting with meditation and some outdoor sports.


I am the “public defender” of family and friends. I love to travel and feel part of every place. Dreamer by default, I am bored by the ordinary.


Hard-working, responsible and creative, leadership suits me well. My vocation, teaching.






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